Open This Saturday & Sunday! Join us this weekend!
Open This Saturday & Sunday! Join us this weekend!

The Wild: Blood On The Blackwater


The Wild: Blood On The Blackwater
(Wild West Airsoft Roleplay Ballahack)
March 22nd / 23rd 2025

A new chapter dawns for the rough-and-tumble Ballahack Township, where opportunity and danger walk hand in hand. With Bearman now seated as mayor, promises of progress and prosperity ripple through the town. But in the shadows of the Blackwater, old sins still fester.

The once-powerful Woman, unmasked as a key player in an infamous crime family, has fled, leaving behind a power vacuum—and a trail of secrets. Outlaws, fortune-seekers, and lawmen alike descend upon Ballahack, eager to claim their piece of the pie. Gold, glory, or vengeance—everyone’s chasing something.

As rival factions clash and alliances shift, the Blackwater River runs red. Can Bearman’s leadership tame the chaos, or will the township be swallowed whole by greed and bloodshed?

The event is a two-day experience and has an included night phase saturday! 

Pricing Tier System:

Pre 2/12/24 :         $130.00

2/12/24- 3/1/24:  $150.00

After 3/1/24:      $170.00

Registration includes free in game food and drinks, and a raffle ticket for Sunday.

March 22nd 2025

  Day 1

Parking Begins


Processing Begins




Game Start


Game End


Night Phase Start


Night Phase End


March 23rd 2025

  Day 2

Parking Begins


Processing Begins




Game Start


Game End





REFUNDS: Ballahack Airsoft event tickets are non-refundable unless the event is canceled. 

CAMPING: Camping is not permitted. No RV's, campers, car camping, or tents are permitted. 

Field Setup: Players will NOT be allowed on the field prior to the event (The Day Before, or the day of) to setup structures, encampments, or the likes of. 

ALL PLAYERS MUST MEET the clothing / weapons requirements found below. 


The Wild takes place in the Old West in the 1890s, as such players are expected to look and act the part. Weapons are restricted to the below photos. If your Airsoft Replica is not included in the below photos, please email OR message our facebook page for approval.


Gear should also represent the time period and atmosphere. Ballahack Airsoft reserves the right to deny players entry if their clothing/gear does not match the atmosphere. This is the event for Cowboys and Cowgirls, not Operators. Do not show up in ANY modern military kit. We reserve the right to reject you without refund if you don’t follow these rules.

Refund Policy


$130.00 USD
$170.00 USD

Event Specific Rules

1. Field Marshals

Field Marshals are the supreme authority on the field. They are present to maintain a safe and fun environment. Disobeying, disrespecting, and/or arguing with a marshal is strictly prohibited. Field marshals must be informed of any violations of field or game rules. FIELD MARSHALS MUST BE INFORMED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY FIELD EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.

2. Hit Calling

Airsoft is an honor sport! Honor, Integrity, and Respect go hand-in-hand with quality gameplay. All players must call their hits! All direct hits to any part of a player’s body are valid; whether a player is hit in the chest, head, or pinky. Gun hits and ricochets do not count; however, if a player is not certain when in doubt, call it out. There is a 3-minute bleed-out period in which players can be looted. After 3-minutes a player can then proceed to spawn.

- When hit, a player must yell as loudly and clearly as possible “HIT” or scream violently.

- All hit players must immediately drop to the ground as if hit, or at minimum take a knee.

- To visually signify a hit, dead rags must be placed on top of the head, and the player’s weapon and/or hands must be raised over their head.

- While a player is “dead” they are not allowed to speak words other than “medic”, “respawning”, or “dead man walking” to ensure no “dead” player can communicate information to his/her team (enemy positions, etc.) until they have been “healed” by a medic or has respawned.

- Players cannot speak while being “healed” by a medic.

3. Medics

There are no classical medics at The Wild, instead any player possessing a Bandage (More on this later) can heal any other player. When healing another survivor, the individual using the Bandage cannot fire their weapon without having to restart counting to 60 with the Bandage.

4. Respawns

Players can utilize one of several community Respawns if a Bandage is not readily available. Players must travel all the way to respawn if they decide to respawn. Players cannot start on the way to respawn and end up being healed via Bandage. Players must also have completed their Three-minute bleed out before respawning. Players must wait at respawn for ONE minute before they can enter gameplay. Players are encouraged to remain calm at respawn as they are community respawns and players may be in the awkward situation of spawning next to hostile players. Firefights at respawn points are strictly prohibited.

5. Chrono & Minimum Engagement Distances

All players must chronograph every weapon they use before entering gameplay. Marshals must chronograph and tape each replica. Standard Chrono regulations apply, and minimum engagement distances apply. (All info can be found on the Ballahack website under rules and regulations.)

6. Rules of Engagement

All players are to use control when in firefights.

Blind firing over ledges or around corners is strictly prohibited. You may not shoot through a hole or crack that you cannot fit your head through.

Melee kills are not permitted.

7. Bandages

The Field is providing Bandages for this event. Bandages are gameplay items that allow players to heal their companions. Players must hold the Bandage against a dead player for one minute. Once the live player has counted one minute the “wounded” player is considered alive. Bandages cannot be looted. Players cannot self-heal with a Bandage, however, they can let other players heal them with their Bandage.


8. Looting & The Economy

The Wild is at its heart a role-playing event, concordantly a large part of the game is accruing wealth. This wealth is represented in the form of in-game currency and random gameplay items. Players can use in-game currency for all manner of goods and services. All players are encouraged to bring several lootable items to barter in gameplay. Specific looting rules are based on different denominations of in-game currency. Players cannot use "Real-world" trades to get gameplay items from Roleplayers (I.E. Trade your gun for a Bandage). In-game items can be received by doing quests, trading other In-game items, or using in-game currency. Players cannot use real money (USD) to buy items on the field from players.

9. Roleplayers & Admin

There will be many Admin-designated roleplayers in the game. These characters range from regular people to powerful figures. These roleplayers will be designated with an overt symbol. Players are encouraged to avoid antagonizing roleplayers as they are invincible unless otherwise stated. Roleplayers are included in gameplay to enrich player experience through quests, factions, and trade, and players are encouraged to interact with roleplayers. There will also be multiple photographers and gameplay admin staff, these individuals are not in gameplay and thus are not to be engaged.

10. Attitude

The Wild is a unique experience; there are very few airsoft events that come close to creating an environment akin to The Wild. Many trying situations might arise from this game however all players are expected to behave in a mature, friendly manner, even when the game gets intense. Any instances of verbal or physical aggression are grounds for immediate banning from the field.

Dress Code

To develop an atmosphere that allows participants to immerse themselves in a new world. It is required that players follow the dress code. Failure to follow the dress code will result in rejection from the event without a refund. Participants must wear appropriate clothing to maintain a family-friendly environment. Wearing only undergarments is not allowed.

airsoft wild west ballahack clothing requirements

Approved Replicas

Approved Replicas Continued

Other Approved Replicas:
  • Gold Smoke Wagon


Observers & External Media

Observers and other external media is not permitted at our events. Participants without a valid ticket will not be permitted onto the field.

Night Phase Saftey

The Night Segment is a Non-Airsoft portion of the Event. Replicas are to be left in vehicles.

Know Yourself and Know your Limits

This segments is an experience that is both Physically and Mentally demanding. You will likely accidently trip. You will be scared and will likely deal with high stress situations during the experience. Players that become over emotional or are beyond their limits are to exit the experience immediately. It's important that you understand your boundaries before registering for this event as their are very few experiences like this event.

This is a unique experience; there are very few events that come close to creating an environment akin to it. Many trying situations might arise from this game however all players are expected to behave in a mature, friendly manner, even when the game gets intense. Any instances of verbal or physical aggression are grounds for immediate banning from the field.

Field Guides

Field Guides are the supreme authority on the field. They are present to maintain a safe and fun environment. Disobeying, disrespecting, and/or arguing with a marshal is strictly prohibited. Field marshals must be informed of any violations of field or game rules.FIELD GUIDES MUST BE INFORMED IMMEDIATELY OF ANY FIELD EMERGENCY SITUATIONS.


There will be Admin-designated roleplayers in the game. Roleplayers are included in gameplay to enrich player experience. Players are encouraged to interact with roleplayers.

Your Life

Survivors are issued a Glow Necklace. Survivors are not permitted to hide or obscure this necklace. it must be worn on-top of your clothing.

When your necklace is removed from your body, you have been eliminated and are required to immediately vacate the play area back to the parking lot. Once in the parking area, you must notify the staff.
You only have one life. Use it wisely.

Physical Contact

Players will be hunted in the game from an unknown force. It is that entitys job to remove your glow necklace. Similar to flag football, there will be physical contact between you and that entity. You cannot use other participants as human shields or hold those participants to an area


The way to win is to survive. You will accomplish this by following the Instructions provide to you at the Briefing Day of.

Leaving The Play Area

Players should only leave the play are if they need to use the restroom. Players are not permitted into the parking lot for any other reasons. Going to the parking area for any other reason will result in forfeiture of your Glow Necklace.


You will find items during the experience that will range from gameplay items to snacks and drinks. You are not permitted to steal items from another player.


This is an event that will require you to work with your peers to survive, come to the event with this attitude.

Have Fun!

This event is Fun and will be an experience for you to remember. Come expecting a great time and have an awesome attitude.

Wild After Dark takes place in the same area that The WIld takes place in. Players should come dressed for the Weather but expect to be moving around a lot. The same costuming restrictions for The WIld are in effect for The Wild After Dark.

Players MUST wear closed-toed shoes or boots. We strongly recommend you wear footwear with ankle support.

Ballahack Airsoft reserves the right to deny players if their kit does not match the atmosphere.

If you do not match the requirements, you will not be part of the experience.


  • No Airsoft Guns
  • Metal weapons of any kind
  • No Flashlights
  • No Use of Phone Flashlights
  • No Night Vision
  • No Thermal
  • No Infrared Vision Devices
  • No Knives / Tools
  • No Thunder B's or any other noise-making device
  • No Backpacks
  • (Additional Banned items for the field in standard rules and The Wild rules)



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